Statement of the Problem 2

Statement of the Problem

            There are numerous research findings that highlight the significant impact of parenting styles on self-regulation, as well as the detrimental effects of peer pressure on the adolescents’ lives. However, the relationship between parenting styles, the adolescents’ self-regulation levels, and their susceptibility to peer pressure remains an unexplored area of study. Addressing this research gap, the primary objective of this study is to assess how Filipino adolescents perceive different parenting styles (i.e., authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglecting) and examine the influence of these styles on the adolescents’ level of self-regulation.

            Additionally, the research aims to investigate how the adolescents’ self-regulation plays a pivotal role in determining their vulnerability to peer pressure. This study seeks to identify which parenting style/s are associated with higher or lower levels of self-regulation among adolescents and how these parenting styles influence the adolescents’ susceptibility to peer pressure. The overall goal is to unravel the parenting practices that predict enhanced self-regulation in adolescents and, concurrently, explore how these self-regulation capabilities impact their susceptibility to peer pressure.

            The key research questions guiding this study are as follows:

  1. Which perceived parenting style/s (i.e., authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglecting) would result in higher or lower self-regulation among adolescents?
  2. To what extent do the adolescents’ levels of self-regulation affect their susceptibility to peer pressure?
  3. Do the perceived parenting styles predict both the adolescents’ self-regulation and their susceptibility to peer pressure? 


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